







 energy data


 energy news


christian dubovan gxsRL8B ZqE unsplashThe US Energy sector is a very broad and complicated sector. Energy can be used for a variety of purposes such as:

- Electricity

- Oil & Gas

- Coal

- Nuclear Energy

- and much more

Let's just take into consideration the complexities of the electric markets alone. Energy markets are based on a number of major contributing factors including:

- The production of electricity (supply)

- The demand for electricity (demand)

- Government regulation on electric markets

- Weather conditions

- Global Markets for electricity

All of these factors can have an impact on the price and distribution of electricity. For example, if there is an increase in the demand for electricity, the price of electricity will go up. However, if there is an increase in the production of electricity with no new demand, the price of electricity will go down. Therefore, it is important to understand all of these factors before investing in the Energy sector.

Similar Oil & Gas, and their markets are also affected by the same major factors:

- The production of oil & gas (supply)

- The demand for oil & gas (demand)

- Government regulation on Oil & Gas

- Weather conditions

- Global Markets for Oil and Gas

This Energy page is designed to help you navigate the major supply, demand, and government regulation. The weather information can be found in other sources not yet added to this website. Below is a brief update of the sources provided through this website. 



  • Demand
      • World Energy Outlook↗ by the IEA  - International Energy Agency↗
        • The IEA family is made up of 31 member countries, 10 association countries, and 3 accession countries
        • Published every year based on objective data and dispassionate analysis, The World Energy Outlook (WEO) provides critical analysis and insights on trends in energy demand and supply, and what they mean for energy security, environmental protection and economic development.
  • Supply (with consideration and emphasis given to Clean Energy approaches) 
      • Energy Technology Perspective↗ by the IEA - International Energy Agency↗ 
        • The IEA family is made up of 31 member countries, 10 association countries, and 3 accession countries
        • First issued in 2006, Energy Technology Perspectives (ETP) has for more than a decade contributed to global energy and environmental policy-making. To further strengthen its relevance to decision-makers in governments and industry, the IEA has revamped the publication in 2020 with a focus on technology opportunities for reaching net-zero emissions from the energy sector. An updated Clean Energy Technology Perspective report is expected in 2022.
  • Regulation
    • Federal Regulations (for Electric Markets)
      • FERC ↗
        • The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC, is an independent agency that regulates the interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas, and oil. FERC also reviews proposals to build liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals and interstate natural gas pipelines as well as licensing hydropower projects.
            • Regional Transmission Organizatoins (RTOs) & Independent System Operators (ISOs)↗ - Independent System Operators (ISO) grew out of Orders Nos. 888/889 where the Commission suggested the concept of an Independent System Operator as one way for existing tight power pools to satisfy the requirement of providing non-discriminatory access to transmission. Subsequently, in Order No. 2000, the Commission encouraged the voluntary formation of Regional Transmission Organizations (RTO) to administer the transmission grid on a regional basis throughout North America (including Canada). Order No. 2000 delineated twelve characteristics and functions that an entity must satisfy in order to become a Regional Transmission Organization.
            • Power Sales & Markets↗ - National policy for many years has been and continues to be fostering competition in wholesale power markets. In each major energy bill over the last few decades, Congress has acted to open up the wholesale electric power market by facilitating the entry of new generators to compete with traditional utilities. As the third major federal law enacted in the last 30 years to embrace wholesale competition, the Energy Policy Act of 2005 strengthened the legal framework for continuing wholesale competition as federal policy for this country. The Commission has acted quickly and strongly over the years to implement this national policy.
      • NERC ↗
        • The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) is a not-for-profit international regulatory authority whose mission is to assure the effective and efficient reduction of risks to the reliability and security of the grid. NERC develops and enforces Reliability Standards; annually assesses seasonal and long‐term reliability; monitors the bulk power system through system awareness; and educates, trains, and certifies industry personnel. NERC’s area of responsibility spans the continental United States, Canada, and the northern portion of Baja California, Mexico. NERC is the Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) for North America, subject to oversight by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and governmental authorities in Canada. NERC's jurisdiction includes users, owners, and operators of the bulk power system, which serves nearly 400 million people.
            • Standards  (main page)↗ - NERC Reliability Standards are developed using an industry-driven, ANSI-accredited process that ensures the process is open to all persons who are directly and materially affected by the reliability of the North American bulk power system; transparent to the public; demonstrates the consensus for each standard; fairly balances the interests of all stakeholders; provides for reasonable notice and opportunity for comment; and enables the development of standards in a timely manner. 
            • Bulk Electric System (BES)↗ - ​​​This page contains information related to the NERC Bulk Electric System (BES) definition and the Notification and Exception Processes. The materials linked to this page are the current compilation of materials that support the application of the BES definition and detailed materials designed to provide entities with the information needed to make uniform determinations of BES elements. This page is continuously updated as additional materials become available. 
            • NERC BES PDF Reference↗ - This technical reference was created to assist entities in applying the Bulk Electric System (“BES”) definition. It should be read in concert with the complete definition, found in the NERC Glossary of Terms↗, and any guidance issued by the ERO.
      • Market Governing Docs
        • RTO/ISOs (US)
            • SPP↗ - SPP is a regional transmission organization (RTO): a nonprofit corporation mandated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to ensure reliable supplies of power, adequate transmission infrastructure and competitive wholesale electricity prices on behalf of its members. SPP was founded in 1941 when 11 regional power companies pooled their resources to keep Arkansas’ Jones Mill powered around the clock in support of critical, national defense needs. Eight decades later, SPP still reflects our early principles of collaboration in the interest of providing a critical service for the good of our region. Our vision is to lead our industry to a brighter future, delivering the best energy value.
            • ERCOT↗ - The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) manages the flow of electric power to more than 26 million Texas customers -- representing about 90 percent of the state’s electric load. As the independent system operator for the region, ERCOT schedules power on an electric grid that connects more than 52,700+ miles of transmission lines and 1,030+ generation units, including PUNs. It also performs financial settlement for the competitive wholesale bulk-power market and administers retail switching for 8 million premises in competitive choice areas. ERCOT is a membership-based 501(c)(4) nonprofit corporation, governed by a board of directors and subject to oversight by the Public Utility Commission of Texas and the Texas Legislature. Its members include consumers, cooperatives, generators, power marketers, retail electric providers, investor-owned electric utilities, transmission and distribution providers and municipally owned electric utilities.
            • MISO↗ - MISO (Midcontinent Independent System Operator) is an independent, not-for-profit, member-based organization responsible for operating the power grid across 15 U.S. states and the Canadian province of Manitoba. 42 million people depend on MISO to generate and transmit the right amount of electricity every minute of every day. MISO is committed to delivering electricity reliably, dependably, and cost-effectively. In addition to managing the power grid within our region, MISO administers the buying and selling of electricity, and partners with members and stakeholders to plan the grid of the future.
            • CAISO↗ - The California Independent System Operator (ISO) maintains reliability on one of the largest and most modern power grids in the world, and operates a transparent, accessible wholesale energy market. The organization works diligently around the clock to meet the electricity needs of consumers, while increasing the amount of renewable energy to usher in the clean, green grid of the future.
            • PJM↗ - PJM is a regional transmission organization (RTO) that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in all or parts of 13 states and the District of Columbia.
            • NYISO↗ - The NYISO is charged with reliably operating New York’s power grid, meeting the most stringent standards in the nation, under strict regulatory oversight. The NYISO plans the power system for the future, over one, five and ten-year studies, to maintain long term reliability, reduce congestion on the transmission system, and meet public policy needs calling for new transmission, such as lines to bring renewable resources to customers. The NYISO administers markets and maintains reliability openly and transparently, providing data, analyses, and information pertaining to New York’s power system to policymakers, stakeholders, and the general public.
            • NEISO↗ - ISO New England is the independent, not-for-profit company authorized by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to perform three critical, complex, interconnected roles for the region spanning Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and most of Maine. Together, these three responsibilities help protect the health of the region’s economy and the well-being of its people by ensuring the constant availability of competitively-priced wholesale electricity—today and for future generations.
  • Weather
      • NRG - We at NRG have the insight to help businesses capitalize during extreme weather conditions that impact grid demand. For example, our demand response programs—solutions designed around potential financial incentives for businesses that reduce or shift energy when demand peaks arise—offer organizations an opportunity to build their energy plan around resiliency.
      • Duke Power - The electric utility industry is currently undergoing a transition from a highly regulated industry to a competitive market driven industry which will allow customers to choose their electric provider much in the same way people choose their long distance phone company. The opening up of retail, and eventually residential markets, to allow choice will have a great impact on individual utility operations. Electricity providers will focus on lower cost generation and customer service as markets open up. This will put a premium on individual utility companies to decrease generation costs by increased operating efficiencies. While there will continue to be pressure to reduce costs through downsizing, other areas where increased operating efficiencies can reduce costs will be focused on by utility managers. One of these areas is better generation demand forecasting which relies on the ability to predict weather from several hours out to several weeks which determines the best and most cost efficient generation mix to meet electricity load demands. Another area where weather will play a role is customer service. The ability to predict severe weather that disrupts electric service to utility customers and act in a proactive manor will aid those companies that place excellence in customer service as part of their business market strategy.
      • How Does Weather Impact Energy Markets - Energy encompasses a wide set of industries ranging from oil and gas to electricity. Weather represents a major risk for energy businesses as both energy supply and demand are dependent on weather outcomes. To understand the weather risk we can break out the energy sector into major segments such as the oil complex, natural gas, electricity demand, and renewable electricity generation.
  • Global Electric Markets
    • This page rereferences several other countries who have created Electric Markets. Here you can find information for Electric Markets in Australia, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, France, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.


Oil & Gas

  • Demand
    • American Petroleum Institute↗ - API represents all segments of America’s natural gas and oil industry, which supports more than 11 million U.S. jobs and is backed by a growing grassroots movement of millions of Americans. Our nearly 600 members produce, process and distribute the majority of the nation’s energy.
        • API Economic Outlook↗ - The API Industry Outlook, developed by API’s Chief Economist, is a quarterly report that provides an overview of the natural gas and oil industry as it relates to the U.S. and global economies.
  • Supply
    • US Energy Information Administration↗ - The US EIA is the United States Energy Information Administration. They are a statistical agency that provides information on energy in the United States.
        • EIA Weekly Petroleum Status Report↗ - is a report that provides detailed information on the petroleum industry in the United States. This report includes Oil data on: production, imports, exports, inventories, and Gasoline production and consumption.
  • Weather
    • NatGasWeather.com↗ - is a website that provides information on the weather and its impact on the natural gas industry.
        • Daily Reports & Live HDD.CDD Statistics↗ - NatGasWeather.com offers daily weather forecasts emailed to you before the markets open which highlights weather of concern over the coming 2 months for the nat gas and heating markets. It is typically 10 pages in length with selected images included and is followed with an update mid-day after fresh forecast data comes in. Also included is tracking HDD/CDD for EIA weekly reports, as well as estimates in Bcf. In addition, you will receive our exclusive Hurricane and Summer Outlooks as well as the Winter Outlook and Critical Weather Alerts for weather conditions that will move in nat gas prices and effect demand. The cost of the monthly subscription is $69 for individual investors.


All Energy Types

  • US Energy Information Administration↗ - The US EIA is the United States Energy Information Administration. They are a statistical agency that provides information on energy in the United States.
    • Short-Term Energy Outlook↗ - The US EIA Short-Term Energy Outlook is a monthly report that provides information on the energy market in the United States. This report includes data on: Oil, natural gas, coal, electricity, and renewable energy.